A credit report is like a report card of how you manage your finances. It is a neutral document that contains information about both your good and bad financial habits. A credit report will list information such as your credit score, identity verification details, directorship and business interests, address records, banking payment history (CCRIS summary and details), dishonoured cheques, legal cases and more.
You’ll be able to see what loans and credit facilities you have plus how much is outstanding for each one, and any missed payments. As such, a credit report is extremely useful for monitoring your credit health. This way, you’ll be able to see quickly what needs to be improved or what you may be doing wrong.
It could also determine if you may be a victim of identity theft. For instance, you may notice credit applications you didn’t make or information that’s incorrect. These could be warning signs that your personal information may have gotten into the wrong hands and that further investigation is needed.
Who produces these reports, and where do they get my information from?
CCRIS (Central Credit Reference Information System) was created by BNM and it collects credit information about individuals, then puts that information into credit reports. Credit reporting agencies such as CTOS then produce credit reports based on CCRIS information.Financial institutions like banks, insurance companies, credit card issuers, leasing companies and even PTPTN submit credit-related data to CCRIS. CCRIS stores this data and produces credit reports. Credit reporting agencies can access this CCRIS information (with consent from consumers who request to purchase credit reports) to produce their own credit reports and score.
Some credit reporting agencies also collect information from other public sources including: National Registration Department (NRD), Registrar of Societies, publications of legal proceedings and notices in newspapers and government gazettes, Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM), Malaysia Insolvency Department and also Trade References, which contain information about past payment experience(s) between a business and a customer (e.g. your mobile phone subscription).
You can find a complete list of financial institutions that submit credit data to CCRIS here: